The Golden Ratio in Design for Apartment Marketing
Stacey Feeney
Professional designers, like us, have many tools in our toolkit. From understanding color theory to strategically type-setting text, we are experts at creating designs that are aesthetically pleasing. And there’s also a few tried-and-true theories that we put to use, too—the Golden Ratio is one of the most pivotal to creating well-designed marketing collateral for apartment communities.
This all-important number allows designers to create attractive designs that will catch the eye of any prospect. Learn more about the Golden Ratio and how you can incorporate it into your next project.
What is the Golden Ratio?
To understand the Golden Ratio, you must first understand the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers created by adding the sum of the two previous numbers beginning with 0 and 1. When adding 0 and 1, the sum is 1. The sequence then becomes 0, 1, 1, then 0, 1, 1, 2, then 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, and so on infinitely.
Ancient Greeks developed the principle of the Golden Ratio to better explain the Fibonacci sequence. The formula to calculate the Golden Ratio is A/B + (A+B)/A = 1.618.
When you plug in the values from the Fibonacci sequence into the Golden Ratio formula, it creates a logarithmic spiral called the golden spiral. This swirling shape naturally creates a guide that can be used when designing anything from buildings to sculptures to paintings. It was even the basis of some of the most iconic works of art around the world, from the Great Pyramids to the Taj Mahal and from the Mona Lisa to The Birth of Venus.
Though it may seem like a man-made creation, the golden spiral is also commonly found in nature. Seashells, leaves and petals, and even clouds feature this distinct, swirling shape. Even faces follow the Golden Ratio—those considered conventionally beautiful typically have features that adhere to this mathematical principle.
But the Golden Ratio isn’t only reserved for awe-inspiring masterpieces—design experts and agencies like zipcode creative can also leverage these principles to create a variety of marketing materials that help apartment communities attract prospective residents and lease up faster.
Web Design
By creating a balanced page and strategically sizing elements using the Golden Ratio, designers can create an eye-catching web page that is beautiful, informative, and effective at converting leads. Using it to inform the placement of images, text, forms, call-to-action buttons, and other page details helps to create a balanced and unconsciously pleasing design—and it also helps guide the viewer’s eye around the page. This ensures that they read your messaging in the right order, allowing apartment communities to better articulate all of the best benefits and perks to prospects.
Signage Design
From stand-up signs to building banners, designers can use the Golden Ratio to create a wide range of different signage for your property. It can be used for both vertical and horizontal layouts to create a clear, concise, and high-converting design. Whether you’re trying to drive prospects to book a tour, promote a leasing incentive, or generate brand awareness, we leverage this proven design principle to create a sign that helps you achieve your goal.
Flyers & Direct Mail
When we’re creating full-page flyers or direct mail postcards, we also leverage the Golden Ratio. We not only use it to structure the different zones on the page, but also use it to help determine where to put photos, headlines, and body copy, along with the CTA. It can even be used to inform text size, ensuring that the headline, body copy, and any other text all look proportional and work well together to promote your property or portfolio.
Brochure Design
The Golden Ratio principles can be applied to multi-page materials, too. Whether we’re creating single-page layouts or working on multi-page spreads, using the same approach helps to create a brochure that’s not only packed with important information but also beautiful. From designing the cover to laying out a clear contact page at the end, the Golden Ratio helps designers create a well-balanced and elevated brochure that will help your community stand out from the competition.
From creating new landing pages to developing your brochure, zipcode creative can utilize the Golden Ratio to create these assets—and more!—to help you attract your target prospects. Get in touch today to learn more!