Residents are interested in a community because of its location, but also because of what it offers. Does it have what they need? Does it have what they want? Amenities can be part of your brand strategy to achieve better occupancy rates and less turnover. But you need to figure out how to “uplevel” your amenities—they might be common, but the way you talk about them and tailor them to your ideal resident can make all the difference. It differentiates your community and it becomes a selling point for the folks you want to reach most.

Understanding Your Ideal Resident Profile (IRP)


When you know your target, it’s easier to aim. Define your ideal resident profile. Learn what they want and need most. What are their goals and hopes and dreams? Do market research to segment who you want to target so you can create a brand that appeals to them—visually and verbally AND even in your amenity spaces.


When you know what makes your IRP click, you can speak straight to their heart. Strategic branding can make your amenities appeal to them and what they want most from living in a community. 

Example: To a dog mom, her “fur baby” is everything. That means amenities for the pet should be included and marketed to appeal to her. Think: an onsite dog park, a pet spa, and fun pet-themed events.

Upleveling Common Amenities

Many communities can look the same on the outside and in the description. Pool, dog park, clubhouse, community events. To differentiate from your competition, you have to go above and beyond—with the things that you know will resonate with your IRP (see above).


Again, you’re not going to stand out if you’re simply pet-friendly. That could be anyone up and down the block. Work on being pet-WELCOMING!

Current standard: Allows Pets.

Uplevel strategy: Celebrate Pets!

You could be the place for the people with pets. This means you have:

  • Dedicated pet parks, maybe with agility equipment
  • Pet grooming areas or stations
  • Pet events in the community (competitions or “Sit and Stay with Santa”)
  • Pet welcome kits for new residents (a little treat and a branded mini towel to clean messy paws)

As far as pet-friendliness, you might also consider upping the game in your pet park—add some fun human connection elements, like a fire pit, for owners to socialize around while their pups play.


If your IRP is all about finding and entertaining friends, work on upleveling your clubhouse. Any community could have a clubhouse. But it might not be up to the level you’re going to bring.

Current standard: Common clubhouse.

Uplevel strategy: Unique, reservable clubhouse or pool area experiences!

You can set up community events, of course, but you can also allow residents to “take over” the clubhouse for a fun event of their own. Consider the following options:

  • Reservable time slots for private events or parties in the clubhouse kitchen or pool area.
  • Branded pool towels for use or as move-in gifts
  • Stocked coffee bar and snacks in the clubhouse kitchen

Whatever you do, up the ante. Your typical amenities don’t have to be typical!

Brand Experiences in Amenity Spaces

Your amenities may be typical, but many communities forget about how their residents experience the brand through their amenities—more specifically, through the amenity spaces. If your community brand is known for being higher-end, give out branded pool towels as move-in gifts—residents can use them over and over and may be more likely to head to the pool to enjoy a refreshing swim. 

Another item that can be overlooked: Putting random mugs in the clubhouse coffee area. If you have a single-serve coffee machine, or you offer special syrups and milks to add to residents’ free coffee, add branded mugs and cups. It’s easy to get closer to brand loyalty when you have solid brand recognition.

You should be designing your spaces to be on-brand. Your wall murals, accent pillows, furniture styles, plants, all of it should say Your Brand. Every space deserves to be (and should be) branded. It’s part of your community.

Telling the Story of Your Brand Differentiators


Your amenities may be good—but they could be great with the right strategy. Your brand should always extend to every area of your community, including how you tell the story of your amenities.

This means: You should stay consistent in your messaging. Consider naming your amenities within a framework that makes sense in the context of your overall brand. If your brand is playful, so too should your amenity names. If your brand sounds serious and business-like, extend that brand personality in how you write about your amenities. The visual storytelling you do, too, should represent your brand in all aspects. If your photos are dark and romantic, your amenity images should be “filtered” through that same idea. Your community events, too, should also be selected and themed to fit in with your overall brand development. 


Own your amenities. And market them well. When your amenities are well-branded, there’s a sense of pride: “Look what we have! Isn’t it awesome?” Your excitement and celebration can be contagious. And it should be in multiple other places beyond your tour: Campaigns, email marketing, social media. With your IRP in mind, focus your time on marketing the top amenity that’s most desired by them. Not sure which one? Start surveying them to find out current residents’ top reasons for coming and staying.

If you want your community’s brand to stand out, include your amenities. Even if you think your amenities are pretty typical, you can use your brand to help them stand out. By putting in that extra effort and tailoring your amenities and offerings to your ideal residents, you can attract who you want with amenities you already have. Just get strategic and brand everything.