The Top 3 Complaints About Creative Agencies from Apartment Marketers
Stacey Feeney
There’s a missing link between property management companies and your average agency. And it’s a big deal. So, when we first got into the creative business, as fixers and doers—we wanted to help property management companies by doing what the typical agencies weren’t: understanding you needs, connecting the dots of property management, and giving you a beautiful product of any size for any creative project; one that would make your marketing team sing.
We hear a few common complaints with regular marketing agencies from some of our prospective clients. Not only are we sympathetic—we’re here to be that missing link. Read on for how zipcode creative does things differently!
Complaint #1:
“We’re forced into big branding packages and can’t get help easily or affordably with smaller one-off needs.”
It stinks when you get sold something that you just don’t need. (Winter air in your tires, anyone?) That’s not what we do—we work with you to get what you need done. You can think of us as an extension of your own marketing team. We pride ourselves on communication and our ability to take any size project. We know every client is different, with different needs, different budgets, and we’re here for it all.
Let’s say, for example, you need just one thing: a property sitemap. We’ll do it. Or, let’s say that you need a full rebrand—we’ll happily do that too. And it will all look amazing. We’re here solely to support you with beautiful branding and industry-leading graphic design.
We’ll provide you with lots of options to get your project done, and we make sure that we’re on the same page so that the process isn’t painful in the least. We’ll also make sure that you feel like you’re getting good value on the items we’re creating for you—project rates are our jam. Forget the hourly tracking. Transparent pricing means it’s easy for you and easy for your finance office (and easy for us, too). Certainly, We Make Things Look Pretty!…and—we make pricing and projects simple.
Complaint #2:
“Extremely long turn around times, even for revisions! I sometimes have to do it myself in canva to get the design out in time.”
We know you need things—like yesterday—in this industry. Our turn around time is always surprisingly quick (and consistent). We have a roster of creatives, ready to go, and with that comes extreme flexibility, making sure you get what you need when you need it. Just ask our clients—they’ll tell you all about it.
Just because it’s fast doesn’t mean it’s bad. Quite the opposite. We get hyper-focused on giving you a product that jibes with what you already have, so it’s not going to stick out. (Unless it’s supposed to, of course.)
In the same vein, we’ll make sure you feel like you can offer opinions, comments, feedback and guidance at the right time, so we can keep things efficient—and avoid all those extra feedback loops, which stink for everyone. You’ll feel heard, we’ll feel guided, and the product will be beautiful and useful. In short, you’ll want to hire us for everything—be warned!
Complaint #3:
“The deliverables we receive are often not to the level they should be; it’s clear they don’t fully understand the multifamily industry.”
We’ve been in multifamily for a good, long while—from all sides. We understand the needs, the pressures and the nuances of industry terminology and equal housing. This translates into our projects by giving us unique insight to capture residents’ attention through fonts, colors, and taglines, or by highlighting particular amenities, or through capitalizing on specific resident events. Those years in multifamily marketing have been spent with some of the bigger names in the industry, and our knowledge and expertise are part of everything we do. If it doesn’t cut muster, it’s not getting passed on to you, the client.
These missing links between property management and the typical agency model can become stressors. (Exactly what no one needs.) zipcode creative was founded to bridge the gaps! We speak “renterese” and we’re ready to translate for you. Rest easy, knowing that you’ve hired a marketing agency that actually gets you and gets your industry. Now—what was that new construction we were talking about?
Like we’ve said before, every client is different, and every community needs something customized. We can do that.
But first, we have a question:
What is your biggest complaint with your current agency partners?
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